Sunday, January 29, 2006

I really had no clue

When Carol and I started talking about what our fathers had done in the war and just how little we knew about it, I went into the basement and found a small box of photographs that belonged to my dad. I knew that the pictures were taken by him during the war. I had even looked through them before. As I started to sort through them and read what was written on the back of the photos I was amazed. One of the first photographs was this one: Hitler's home in Berchestgarten. How could I not know that he had been there and seen that? And really, that was just the beginning.


Blogger carol said...

I had a clue, but no depth of information. Surprising, since my dad had been portrayed as a character in The Longest Day and written about in works about WWII. I had to reread those books and ask him specific comments about what happened to get him to tell me about some of the tough stuff./

8:23 PM  
Blogger Ilene said...

hey, i love that we're having a conversation with each other! so what else is new?!!

6:43 PM  

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